

Living in Awe of God


I see this as a sad state of affairs. For one thing, it’s sad that we lose the pure fascination that children enjoy. Not yet into fixing the world, they revel in the mystery of life. They want to comprehend not for utilitarian purposes, but simply for the amazement of it all. But second, our “comprehension and control” mentality is sad because of its pride. We’ve figured out so many things, we now believe that EVERYTHING is controllable. And in our pride, we’re bored. As Thomas a Kempis said, “If the works of God were of such sort that they might easily be comprehended by human reason, they should no longer be called wonderful or unspeakable.” We’d comprehend more (and ENJOY more) if we bowed in awe before some things that can’t be comprehended.

“A finite creature can never fully comprehend that which is infinite” (Thomas Manton).

Gary Henry –